How we win

As a Company that operates globally, we comply with all trade regulations and restrictions that apply to us.

Why we put values first

We are proud to have customers and operations in many countries around the world. We follow the laws that apply everywhere we do business, as well as those governing international trade. For national security, political or economic reasons, governments may control the import and export of sensitive equipment and data; they may also restrict business with certain groups, individuals or countries. Compliance with trade regulations not only avoids heavy fines, loss of permits and imprisonment, it also helps to make the world a safer place.

A woman on a phone call outside corporate office buildings
A man in a safety vest smiling at the camera

What winning looks like

We conduct our business around the globe responsibly by:

  • Following Company policies and procedures designed to address trade regulations, including our Trade Compliance Policy
  • Not knowingly marketing, selling or providing services to anyone on the U.S., E.U. or other applicable embargo or sanction lists
  • Complying with all contractual or legal restrictions on access to customer information
  • Conducting risk assessments and due diligence checks on third-party organizations with whom we intend to conduct business
  • Alerting the Law Department if any customers, suppliers or others ask us to participate in a boycott

Think first


I recognize that Johnson Controls is always exploring potential new markets for our products and solutions. An overseas distributor contacted me recently to say he had been receiving inquiries about a product line we have not previously sold in that part of the world. I’m aware that there are sometimes restrictions on where we can sell products and on the uses to which they can be put. I asked the distributor to answer a few questions to help me understand the intended end user and end use. His responses were vague and he seemed to minimize my concerns. I don’t think he understood the potential risks. What should I do?


You were smart to bring up international trade compliance. It is important to review any market opportunity abroad for these type of risks. You should pursue your inquiries with the distributor, as we will not be able to supply the products without a full understanding of the intended end-user and end-use. Also escalate the potential international trade issues to management, the Trade Compliance Team or the Law Department for assistance